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Calculator Trick

Posted by Ahmed Shawwaf On 4:01 AM 14 comments

Trick 1 :    Casio Calculator Trick: Alien Transmission

This is an old trick. 
Only tested on: Casio fx 991 MS, fx 570 MS

First RESET the Calculator     [SHIFT]  [MODE] [ =] [= ]
Then Press [MODE] [MODE] [2] for REG mode and   [>Right] [2] to INV mode

Press [1] and keep tapping [M+] till you get the message shown in image below

 then press [M+] [M+] [2] [Up]  'Freq40=' shown below will appear

Now enter  [3] [0] [3] [0] [3]...... repeat till screen full. The last digit should end with a 3.
 -Press [=] and 'Data Full' message appears. Press [=] again

 -Press [0] [1] for "Syntax, Math or Stack Error"
-Press [<Left] and you'll start to get weird figures shown below

Now press [Shift] [Del] and keep on pressing [Left] to find the 3030's like below and place the cursor EXACTLY right side of the number "3". If you overshot you should start from step 1.

Keep on tapping [Del] until you clear all the 3030s and a new line of text appear. 
[Shift] [Delete] and tap [Delete] 5 times. Move the cursor until the end of "P"s (or P.Cs in some cases). Complete the sequence by filling in "P.P.P.P" or "P.C.P.C" until the cursor jumps slightly to the right.

Once you're done, move the cursor all the way to the left and press [Shift] [Delete] [8]


Now hold [7]  [AC] at same time for slow motion and release for speedy matrix ;D



how to press 0 1 for syntax error . i don understand !

to reset press shift and then mode and 3 and = =

to reset press shift and then mode and 3 and = =

It doesn't work :( it must be amazing if it works on my Casio fx 570ms. awful:(

Its working!!!....wowww🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣😁

shift,mode ,press [3],press equal two times

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